Don’t forget! Tomorrow, 1/28, we will be on a Homeroom Bell Schedule.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Homeroom bell schedule
Attention Seniors! You can find this information by going to the Daniel High School website and finding "Class of 2022" under the Menu.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Apply today to be a part of the 22/23 Yearbook Staff! See Ms. Elrod - room 353 - with any questions!
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Italy Trip in 2023 is filling up - still time to enroll with $200 discount. Enroll by February 1.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Italy 2023
We will have Freshman MAP testing on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Freshman morning Career Center students will remain at Daniel both days for testing.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
MAP testing
Softball canceled today!
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
RESCHEDULED! Due to weather disruptions with academic classes, the grief group will now meet on January 28th.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
date change
The School District of Pickens County (SDPC) will open on a two-hour delay on Thursday, January 20, 2022, due to the continued danger of ice on shaded areas and on secondary roads. The two-hour delay gives additional time for ice to melt off the roads and will improve visibility for drivers. -- Morning 3K and 4K classes are canceled. PM classes operate on a normal schedule. -- No Buses on Icy Roads -- High school students (including Career Center) should check their Schoology messages for adjusted class times and bell schedules.
about 3 years ago, SDPC Communications
2 Hr Delay - 1.20.22
Road Conditions 1
Road Conditions 2
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 will be a Digital Learning Day for the School District of Pickens County due to the continued danger of icy roads. Students will not attend school in-person. While there are areas in our county that have improved, there are many shaded areas that continue to have noticeable ice and black ice on roads. Temperatures are expected to drop again tonight and are not predicted to rise above freezing until after 9:00 am. Even with a delay, transportation would have to occur on the roads prior to this time.
about 3 years ago, SDPC Communications
No School - 1/19/22
Road Conditions
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 will be a Digital Learning Day for the School District of Pickens County due to icy roads. Students will not attend school in-person. Temperatures are expected to drop into the teens tonight following the snow, sleet, freezing rain from yesterday. Noticeable ice and black ice on roads throughout the county is a serious concern tomorrow morning. We will make a decision regarding school for Wednesday (January 19, 2022) on Tuesday evening.
about 3 years ago, SDPC Communications
No School - 1/18/22
Congratulations to Bobby Taylor on reaching 1000 points scored (as of 1/4/22). Head Coach Ben Touchberry presented the award to Bobby last night at our home game against West Oak. We are proud of Bobby and our Daniel Lions Basketball Team. Come out and watch them play next Tuesday at home vs Wren.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Bobby Taylor
Congratulations to Head Coach Jeff Fruster on being named the Carolina Panthers High School Coach of the Year!
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Coach Fru
Coach Fru
Coach Fru
We will NOT have homeroom on Friday 1/14. We will be on a regular bell schedule instead.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Regular Bell Schedule
Save the Date for Kindergarten Registration! It’s almost time for 3K, 4K, and 5K students to enroll for the 2022-23 school year! SDPC will start registration for the 2022-23 school year beginning in February. Parents can begin the registration process online now by entering their information into the New Student Gateway: Schools will use this registration to contact parents of potential 3K and 4K students to set up screening appointments. More information regarding 3K and 4K programs for the 2022-23 school year will be available in February. For answers to common registration questions, visit our website at:
about 3 years ago, SDPC Communications
Kindergarten registration
Don't forget! Informational VIRTUAL meeting on January 13, 2022. Starts at 6pm. Join to learn about Italy 2023 Summer Trip. Great for Graduates!
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Italy 2023
We will have two homerooms this week. We will have a 10 minute homeroom on Monday to distribute report cards. We will start our midday Friday homerooms this Friday, 1/14.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
REMINDER! Informational virtual meeting is coming up on January 13th. Please contact with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Italy 2023
Italy 2023
Track practice canceled 1/6
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Track practice canceled
Attention Students!
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Congratulations to our very own Rachel Jones! She is this week’s Golden Apple Award winner. She was nominated by Destiny Hawthorne who believes Mrs. Jones goes above and beyond for her students. We definitely agree with that! You can watch her story on WYFF 4 next Thursday.
about 3 years ago, Daniel High School
Golden Apple Award
Golden Apple Award
Golden Apple Award
Golden Apple Award