Bus Riders
Bus rider students will load and unload from buses in the bus loop. The bus loop is located behind the school on athletics side. In the morning, all students will enter through the door underneath overhang or cafeteria doors and report to their first period classroom. Career Center students will report to cafeteria until dismissed to load bus. In the afternoon, all students will dismissed at 3:30.
Need to set up bus transportation? No problem, call the Daniel area bus office at 864-397-1177 to receive information about bus routes and time for pick-up.
Car Riders
Car rider students must use the student drop-off/pick-up, which is located behind the DHS Cafeteria. For the safety of all our children, please do not drop-off or pick-up in any area other than the student drop-off area.
Student Drivers
All student drivers must have a valid South Carolina driver's license. In addition, all students must have taken Alive at 25 or Arrive Alive and display a valid DHS parking decal on their vehicle. If a student changes vehicles during the school year, it is the student's responsibility to inform DHS of the change so parking records can be updated. Please think before you act! Reckless driving on campus could result in the revocation of parking privileges.
Career Center Students Who Ride The Bus
The bus leaves DHS for morning Career Center classes at 8:42 AM. The bus leaves DHS for afternoon Career Center classes at 12:30 p.m. Please load the buses in the bus loop.